Last week was the NSPCC Kindness Challenge!
The NSPCC Kindness Challenge is designed to promote kindness and emotional well-being among children.

This has got us thinking about we can ensure we are promoting kindness everyday. Here are some great ways you can teach your child kindness:
Use Play Pretend, Games, and Stories
Play with them and introduce situations that make them consider how others feel. You might have a doll bump their head and ask the child what they should do to comfort it. You can also pose some hypothetical questions, like how they'd feel about being in a tough situation or how they would want to be treated.
Be an Example of Kindness
Children are incredibly observant, and they learn a lot about how to treat others by watching the adults in their life. Demonstrate kindness when you are out and about so that you can live by example and have stories to tell the children in your life.
Promote Kindness Through Selfless Habits and Experiences
You can encourage kids to become pros at showing kindness by helping instill good habits, like using manners, expressing gratitude or compassion, and doing random acts of kindness.
Help Them Understand That Kindness Isn't Always Easy
As adults, we know that sometimes being nice to someone can be hard, especially if that person hasn't been nice to us. However, one of the best lessons you can teach a child is to do the right thing and show kindness, even when you don't necessarily feel like it.
Focus on How It Feels To Be Kind
Parents can offer stories from their own lives to demonstrate kindness, generosity, and empathy in the real world. Consider telling your kids of times when you experienced kindness from others or when you were kind to someone else. Focus on how good it made you feel to be the recipient of kindness or how you felt fulfilled from being nice to someone else.